7+ Application for Section Change in School

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Friends, Today we have written aΒ Application for Section Change in School. When students are admitted in the school, they are admitted in different sections of the class but sometimes students have to change the section due to reasons like not understanding what is taught by the teacher, fighting with other students etc. .

To change the section, students have to write an application to the principal, in which they have to tell why they want to change their section.

And students are also asked questions to write section change application in the exam question paper. Keeping this in mind, we have written various section change applications for the students of class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.

Application for Section Change in School
Application for Section Change in School

Application for Section Change

The Principal
Govt. Sen. Sec. School

Subject – Request for section change


Most of my close friends are in section β€˜A’, but I am in section β€˜B’. I am feeling bored day by day therefore could you please shift me from section β€˜B’ to section β€˜A’.

I hope you will understand my problem. So for that reason, I request you to please change my section. I will be very much grateful if you Change my section.

Thank You

Yours obediently,
Sumit Saini
Class – 6th β€˜A’
Roll No. -16
Date – 12.05.2023

Section Change Application in English

The Principal
Sun Shine Sen. Sec. School

Subject – Request for section change


With due respect I want to say that I can’t understand the subject properly. Please change my I section from 8th β€˜A’ to 8th β€˜B’. I shall be highly obliged because in class 8th β€˜B’ my class friend helped me with this subject to understand.

Therefore I request you to change my section so that I shall be very obliged.

Thank you

Yours obediently,
Sunil Kumar
Class – 8th β€˜A’
Roll No. -08
Date – 13.05.2023

Application for Change of Section for Class 7,8

The Principal
Saraswati Public School

Subject – Request for section change


Most humbly and respectfully I want to say that I am Ruchi sharma, a student of class 6th β€˜B’. I want to change my section from 8th β€˜B’ to 6th β€˜A’. the reason is that the students of this section are very inactive. They dispute me most of the time. so I have decided to change my section.

therefore I request you to change my section then I shall be thankful to you for this.

Thank you

Yours obediently,
Ruchi sharma
Class – 8th β€˜A’
Roll No. -08
Date – 13.10.2023

Application for Section Change in School from parents

The Principal
Dalmia se. sec. School

Subject – Request for section change


With all due respect, I am Vishal Gupta’s father of Shivani Gupta of 9th A and Roll no.14. I want to tell you that my daughter is being harassed by other students of the class, so I want Shivani to be changed from section A to B so that she can study properly.

I shall be thankful to you for this.

Thanking You


Vishal Gupta

Section Change Karne ke Liye Application

The Principal
Bright Future Public School

Subject – Request for section change


My name is Amit Sharma. I study in class 10th section D and my roll number is 15. My classmates disturb me while I am attending my classes. As a student I also have to concentrate on my studies but due to these students, I can’t do that.

May I request you to change my section from D to A . I shall be thankful to you for this.

Thank You

Yours obediently,
vikesh kumar
Class – 5th β€˜A’
Roll No. -08
Date – 15.09.2023

Write an Application to The Principal for Change of Section

The Principal
Tagore public School

Subject – Request for section change


Respectfully I beg to request you to change my section from 8 β€˜B’ to 8 β€˜A’. Many boys of our locality are in section β€˜A’. One of them is my cousin. We all do our home tasks together. the change will help me a lot

I hope that you will kindly grant my request.

Thank You

Yours obediently,
Sumit Sharma
Class – 5th β€˜A’
Roll No. -21
Date – 02.08.2023

Application for Change section Hindi Medium to English Medium

The Principal
New Kids Public School

Subject – Request for section change


I beg to say that I am not understanding the medium of instruction and I request you to please change my medium of instruction from Hindi to English.

I will be highly thankful to you

Thank You

Yours obediently,
Vijay Rathor
Class – 5th β€˜A’
Roll No. -19
Date – 02.07.2023

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5+ Half Day Leave Application for School

6+ Urgent Piece of Work Application

10+ Application for sick leave for School

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